Sundays from 11:15am to 12:15pm
Our youth TruthSeekers classes are where students can learn more our Triune God by digging deep into His word. Classes are on Sunday’s from 11:15am to 12:15pm and run from September through June.
- The Middle School TruthSeekers class is for grades 6 to 9. This class looks at how to surrender to Jesus, submit to His way, and see all of life through the truth of His work.
- The High School class (for grades 9 to 12) will join the Adult Sunday School class called “Responding to God’s Message.” This is a life application class based on the weekly scripture and message.

Youth Group
Wednesdays from 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Youth Group’s primary focus is Gospel-centered community. It’s where youth can connect more with each other and with adult leaders. Youth Group runs from September through June.
Starting at 6:00 we will have open gym and hang out time, transitioning to the Youth Room at 6:30 to begin our large group time. During large group time will be focusing on the book 10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity, by Rebecca McLaughlin. From 7:30-8:00 we will break into small groups for discussion and prayer. For those who can stay, from 8-8:30 we will have an opportunity for additional game time in the gym.
Other Activities
In addition to TruthSeekers & Youth group, we also offer:
- Winter Retreat: Camp Monadnock, January 26-28th, 2024. We will be returning to Monadnock for our Winter Retreat. This is a Friday evening – Sunday afternoon trip. For more information see: https://www.monadnock.
camp/encounter Students are encouraged to bring friends (who are in 6-12th grade)!
**Sign up needed by October 22nd** – Turn in a deposit of $50 per student to Hank Daly or Dave Philips (check payable to Immanuel Church, with “Youth Retreat” in the memo).
- Student Leadership. Student leaders are those students who want to spend time training to be examples of Christian disciples for their peers, helping to facilitate discussions during Youth Group, and helping to plan activities and events outside of Youth Group nights. We meet every other Sunday evening.
- We participate in opportunities to serve outside Immanuel.
- We encourage students to serve within Immanuel.
- Go on mission trips.
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